Sunday, January 22, 2012

 parting is such sweet sorrow
In the fading light a group of women gathered around a wax covered in a half-finished room.  We held hands and prayed to the God that has united women from across nations, tribes, and languages to form Premec Creations.  Huddled together in the growing darkness a sense of awe consumed me.  What an incredible moment to share with 17 Ghanaian women.  We prayed a prayer of blessing over the instructors Martha & Christiana, the women participating in the program, and the very table around which we were gathered.  The significance of the moment did not escape any one of us.  Amy and I said reluctant goodbyes as darkness fell and the women slowly began their walk home. 

An empty room and a bare table bear witness to the opportunity for change.  15 women appear each morning in anticipation of the skills provided at Premec.  But more than that, they now join a community of women, sharing more than just learning, but in their lives as well.  A transformation has occurred amongst the group of former strangers.  They greet each other with joy and part with hope of future meetings.  They share in each other’s burdens, caring for each other’s children while they take turns creating.  It’s a beautiful thing to behold.  

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